Growing Seasonal Blooms For All To Enjoy
Sonoma Mountain Flowers are gown with all natural practices to provide our local communities with long lasting blooms. We arrange our bouquets with the idea of filling your hearts and homes with the vibrance of the seasons.

The farm lays in a sweet little valley between Sonoma and Santa Rosa called Bennett Valley, at the North West Base of Sonoma Mountain. Its biodiverse landscape includes a seasonal creek surrounded by rolling hills of vines, pastures and oaks. These hills are thought to be sacred to many native tribes, and even thought to be the site of the origin of life. Sonoma Mountain Flowers aims to protect and preserve the land by reviving the soil with life after so many years of over grazing and compaction.
Laura Oswald, owner, farmer and florist, started Sonoma Mountain Flowers in 2019, with a dream to spread joy through her love of color and the natural world. Flower farming came organically to Laura. She did not grow up on a farm or surrounded by flowers, but she was always a lover of nature and the outdoors. She grew up on the ocean in Monterey Bay, California. When she was a girl she wanted to be a Marine Biologist, just like every other little girl in Monterey. However, like most, her dreams changed and evolved over the years. She went to college in Massachusetts at Wheaton College and was a student athlete, studying both Cultural Anthropology and Studio Art. This lead her to youth advocacy work at home and abroad.
After living and working in San Francisco for 9 years, she felt a strong pull to reconnect to the earth. Enrolling at Green Strings Institute in Petaluma, California, she dove deep into the practices of organic farming and land preservation. She worked on several farms including Flatbed Farm in Glen Ellen where she stared to gravitate toward arranging and growing flowers. She was transfixed by the reactions people would have at the sight and smell of the farm stand flowers . Their eyes would grow wide, their faces would brighten, and the customers would approach her with a smile and a story about how their mother grew sweet peas or how daffodils reminded them of a joyous time in their past.
As she engaged with customers her love for flowers and the emotions that they provoked grew and grew. The sight, touch and smells of flowers triggered memories of special occasions and loved ones. As her family started to grow with the birth of her first son she decided to branch off on her own and start a flower farm from home. She is forever grateful for the help and support of her family and close friends who quite literally made her dreams come true. She hopes to create a colorful wonderland for her family to grow up in while arranging lush, fresh and colorful flowers for her local community to create lasting memories with the ones they love.

Join Our Flower Subscription
Receive flower bouquets weekly or biweekly from late June through late September at one of our three Sonoma County pick up locations